okay so
according to blogstats googling arissa cheo gets you my blog
and i feel like i'm being disappointing by not having a substantial post on her
and anyway i love her so much she's gorgeous
so here's a post on arissa cheo :D (edit: as well as her two copy cats n_n)
arissa cheo is a socialite from singapore; her occupation 'Fashion & Media Entrepeneur'; her blog can her shop can be found here -> http://www.carteblanche-x.com/arissa/
[so pretty:3]
so anyway
the first thing i did for this post was google image her (surprisingly before today, i hadn't done it before), and most of those pics are arissa cheo... but lol so much michelle phan coming up because of this thread -http://www.gurugossip.net/t4138-michelle-vs-arissa-cheo
(i was ranting about michelle phan in my last post which is how arissa got mentioned n_n)
something in particular i'd mention from the thread if you ceebs;
(arissa on the left and michelle phan on the right)
another blog of interest would be; http://michellephail.tumblr.com/
okay so the OTHER result that appears on google images aside arissa cheo's gorgeous face is dawn yang
and oh hell to the no do not get me started on this girl
pretty much, another arissa cheo wannabe, but to more extremes - similar to mp, she copies her clothes and bags and stuff, but not only that, /dawn yang got excessive plastic surgery to look like arissa/
here's a xiaxue post; http://xiaxue.blogspot.com.au/2008/09/my-idol.html (also shows her excessive photoshop)
one of my favourite photos of dawn's fail is this though

lol fail. anywho!
xiaxue does write a lot about the subject; http://xiaxue.blogspot.com.au/2008/07/yet-another-update-and-i-am-not-happy.html
i think this was the post that dawn tried to sue her about. which led to the other post up there. sorry for out of orderness n_n
http://theliesofdawn.blogspot.com.au/ <- hasnt updated in a while, but there is a LOT on pretty much just her spreading false rumours about arissa and other people on forums (wow no life), making false aliases to post nice things about herself on her blog, etc
anyway this ended up talking more about arissa cheo's copycats than arissa cheo, but whatever n_n that's what most people are interested in anyway~
ending with cute pic of arissa :D