Hi everyone!
If you guys follow me on twitter, you'd know that I ordered from Jolse and TesterKorea on the same day (May 15) in a little race to see which one would arrive faster!
Especially since r/asianbeauty loves Jolse (bae!) so much, and TesterKorea went for such a long time with notoriously slow shipping times.
However, my TesterKorea order arrived earlier (you can see the post for that here for full details ) - for Jolse my order of one item also shipped out on the 19th (so preparation time was the same as TK) and only arrived today (1st June.) That means I waited 16 days for this to arrive :)
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The box it came in was a lot more fitting for the contents :P I could see my Dust Cut fit perfectly and snugly in the box and it was very well protect in its bubble wrap ^^
I took the contents out so excitedly that my samples flung out xD
Here's everything I got... Pretty samples @A@
Out of the bubble wrap~~
Samples I got:
♥ Cloud9 Blanc De Whitening
♥ Lioele Waterdrop Sleeping Pack
♥ Lioele Super Moisture Hylauronic Acid Dr Ampoule
I love Lioele packaging but never tried out their products so I'm stoked for these two samples! I'll definitely use them and hope to like them.
How cute is the little cloud too?! ZOMG.
I tried to make it look like the cloud was raining my mist :P HEHE. |
Three samples for an order of one item is pretty generous :P The price was pretty good too considering this damn mist was sold out everywhere else I tried to look for it. TesterKorea had it in stock for like an hour but I missed it so I got mad and ordered from Jolse, which is why I ordered from both at the same time, haha ^^
Did I mention I love samples?! You get so much use out of them, you get to try new stuff before buying the product, they're handy for travelling/on the go... I freaking love samples.
You can purchase this item from Jolse here for $12.98USD - very reasonable!
They have:
♥ worldwide free shipping (that's decently quick from my experience!)
♥ lots of free samples! (if this is the samples for ONE item, I can't imagine what a multiple item order would have...)
♥ new sales every Monday - so if you're dedicated like some of the people at r/AB Jolse can be your new addiction for awesome cheap stuff ;)
♥ very cute and attentive customer service! See here if you want some context :P They also seem to be very good about replacing items when something goes wrong, but I personally have not had that experience.
They stock some great favourites such as the OST Vitamin C, CorsX, and items which are often out of stock everywhere else! (-glares again at my dust cut mist-) So I definitely recommend checking Jolse out!
My first date with bae went well... ;)
I think that's all I have to say for this post - thanks for reading guys!
Time to go play with my mist!

with lots of love~
pynkbunny ♥♥
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