It is no secret that I'm a huge Dota2 fan. Between managing, organising events, streaming and casting, pretty much everyone knows how much time I dedicate to the game.
So... Here is my unboxing of 10 micro plushies from the recent International 6 =) The biggest Dota 2 tournament with a prize pool of 20million USD!
They cost 15usd each and are still purchasable here if you are interested.
It randomly can be any of the following ten heroes or the set of couriers:
- Tuskarr
- Sand King
- Enchantress
- Dazzle
- Night Stalker
- Phoenix
- Winter Wyvern
- Rikimaru
- Patch, Stash and Hobb
Here is my video unboxing:
Here are pictures for those in a rush!
Some bonuses from the friend that helped me get them from Seattle for my birthday =): (Thank you Lei!)
Obviously I was very lucky to get two sets of the couriers ^^ I love them, they're so cute!
I recently got the Liz Lisa Summer Lucky Bag! (2016) =)
You can watch me unbox it on video here:
Here are some pictures for those on the run :P
Bag 1
Bag 2
I don't regret buying two at all.
They were released on July 22, and sold out within a few hours.
My package arrived at Tenso on July 28, and then was shipped out to me on July 29. Shipping cost $83AUD from Tenso warehouse to my house - very reasonable imo
Today is August 3 and it arrived! I used EMS because it was insured and was estimated to take around a week. I've had bad experiences in the past with getting items shipped internationally, so insurance was a must for me.
I'm overjoyed that it arrived so quickly, and at the great variety of items! The dresses are so exciting for me - I live for Liz Lisa dresses, hahaha.
This was a lot cheaper than the New Year's bags, but of course with the New Year's ones you don't get shopping totes, but a nicer quality bag or luggage case instead. The contents also seem a lot more random!
What did you get in your summer bag? Or what was your favourite item?
- On the dewy side, but moreso glowing effect than a dewy effect.
- Smells great, not noticeable but if someone was leaning in to your face it'd smell nice ;)
Look at the red area around my nose! And compare my dark circle with the other eye! (From a video of me applying it... Which I decided was not worth uploading, but this picture does not do the finish justice)
Didn't feel irritating - with ingredients like witch hazel, you'd suspect this was a skincare item and not a makeup item! That's the magic of BB though :) It's supposed to double as skincare. It doesn't weigh down or feel greasy on my face at all.
Overall: 5/5
The Missha Magic Cushion is a classic that works well and really gives you that korean celebrity finish/glow. Come on guys, if you watch kdramas or have seen any kpop in your life, you know what I mean!
The packaging is absolutely irresistible and this will definitely be in my purse. I can't fault it =)
April Skin Magic Snow Cushion White SPF 50 PA+++ 15G (no.23 natural beige) [x]
- Freckle coverage - yup! although my freckles are quite light
- Long-lasting - This was a nightmare to remove even with my Banila Co, and my face gets pretty oily!
- Moisturising - Probably? Not what the BB is for, I don't know/mind
- Whitening - For the duration, yes. I don't think this BB would have long-term effects, but can't say. SPF:
- SPF 50/PA+++ coverage
- Medium coverage (although depicted as full in ads?)
- On the dewy side, but less dewy than the Missha
- You have to really blend this baby in! Easy to look chalky, gets kind of "clumped" for lack of better word as the day proceeds
- Made my skin look 1-2 tones lighter
I will take better pictures when I have daylight x:
- Pretty much none
It seemed to irritate a dry patch on my face. Other than that, it felt like how foundation would feel on my face. Since I applied it half half with the Missha, it emphasised how weightless the Missha was and how "normal" the application of the April Skin felt.
Overall: 3/5
This product is currently HUGELY hyped in Korea. Like, winning a gazillion awards for achieving a flawless kbeauty whiter magical finish. I was actually really excited for this product. It's making me wonder if I'm doing something wrong with my cushion, haha.
But actually seeing how the product looks and feels on my face resulted in me deciding that this just wasn't the product for me. I'm no cushion expert, and I would still use this product over no coverage - it was just a little lacklustre.
After some research, I realise the white cushion is meant for dry skin whilst the black is meant for oilier skin. This might be why my results weren't very good! Take this review with a grain of salt :P And don't make the same mistake as me!
I received (and handpicked personally!) these two cushions courtesy of (Cosmetic, not Cosmetics!)
They're a new website that offers free worldwide shipping, and have a decent range of products - I was personally most impressed that they had Missha Line products in stock (so much hype around these! So many people crazily searching for where to buy!) They're Korean, but also have a Warehouse in LA for those lucky-ducks in the US who will get faster shipping. I received my package in three days via DHL with no dramas. They offer Paypal for peace of mind. And they included sachet samples, which makes me happy!
So check them out and use my special exclusive code for my readers (you guys!) for 10% off if you'd like =)
10% off Code: NVHYL0366K26
With love,
(PS, check out my giveaway in the post before this! It closes in 24 hours!) Disclaimer: These products were gifted generously to me, but still handpicked by me. I was not sponsored for this post. All opinions are my own~
BotanicES is an Australian-made, environmentally sustainable brand of skincare that is also contains:
- no synthetic fragrances
- no Parabens
- no harsh detergents
- no phthalates
- no Petrochemicals
- no Ethanolamines
- no animal testing
- no Nanomaterials
- no EDTA
- no mineral oils
- no artificial colours
I was lucky enough to give their three star products a try lately! Here are my impressions =)
The three products (face creme, eye creme and body creme) all smell amazing! (And the same.)
I'm impressed that there is no added synthetic fragrance - maybe they add a natural fragrance? It smells very gently of coffee - almost like if it was a hint of the scent thrown in. Maybe like a cafe passing by? Or an Asian bakery? The scent is delicious but also not very noticeable, if that makes sense!
Each creme also boasts the same primary ingredients; the natural benefits of coconut and olive oils, Kakadu plum extract, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Licorice Root extract. All of these ingredients are pretty great =)
Shea Butter is excellent for dry skin, and Vitamin E is a natural healer of the skin. These two ingredients are the ones I'm most excited for my skin when using these products!
This is probably my favourite product from BotanicES that I tried. It is a light moisturiser that absorbs easily into the skin and feels weightless/not even there after application.
I've been incorporating it into my skincare regime, (which you can see here if you haven't already) as a light moisturiser before my heavier moisturiser. Or simply just as a final moisturiser for days my skin isn't in need of great moisture. My skin gets rather oily, so some days I just want something lighter, and this is perfect for that.
Some moisturisers leave your face feeling heavy - this one doesn't at all. Some moisturisers also leave it feeling super hydrated - this moisturiser doesn't do that either. That doesn't necessarily mean it's not moisturising - my skin still looks radiant after application!
The eye cream feels and smells quite similarly to the face creme. If I had to make a comparison, I would say the eye cream is lighter and runnier in consistency, yet it also is "stickier".
The eye cream promises to address puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as to brighten the eye area.
I think the main difference between the eye creme and the face creme is that the eye creme has a slight sheen to it that is meant for brightening the eye area. It is so subtle it won't photograph, but when you have dark circles as bad as mine, any little difference counts, huh? :P
Body Creme [x]
Once upon a time, I used to use Sorbolene as a body moisturiser.
Now don't get me wrong - Sorbolene is fine. But it's kind of the bare minimum of caring for your body's skin.
Lately, I've been going so crazy with the oil EVERYTHING trend that I don't have enough surface area for this oil. Coconut oil, Rosehip oil, Jojoba oil, Macademia oil.... I've been trying all of that to nourish my skin.
What does that have to do with this body creme?
THIS STUFF DOES A WONDERFUL JOB of applying on top of it and making it so you don't look like you climbed out of an oil well.
Lately I've been using body creams and body moistiurisers to "seal in" coconut oil and this really does a good job!
By itself, it also works well to moisturiser without feeling like you applied anything. (Despite it being similar to the face creme and eye creme, it's almost eerie how you can't really feel it - shouldn't there be some sort of sensation of it sitting on top of the skin? How does it feel like nothing? Is it voodoo magic?)
♥ Giveaway
So now that you know more about the products, I bet you're eager to give it a try yourself!
Lucky for you guys, I'm partnering up with BotanicES to give away TEN (10!) sample packs which contain each of these products! That's a lot of sample packs - and a lot of winners!
Joining is very easy, just use the Rafflecopter below =)
The only requirement is that you are subscribed to my YouTube channel. (This is a sneaky celebration for my channel hitting 500 subscribers ;D)
The rest is optional, but will get you more chances to win!
"Bath bombs, soaps, body scrubs, face masks, body and face wash, massage oils, bath oils, hair and facial treatments, beauty tools and so much more! What will your mystery box contain? Boxes are only $25 each per month. Free postage, contains 6-10 amazing full sized or sample products which exceed that value."
The theme was this month was candy - I love candy so much! I have a huge sweet tooth, so I was very excited for this box!
They ship out on the first Friday of each month, and lucky April - Friday was the 1st! The box arrived on the 6th, which was decently quick for Australia post!
The contents!
Cute newsletter enclosed! A different take on the info card :D
♥ Guys, I seriously can't get over this huge Birthday Cake Scented Bath Bomb Lollipop. (RRP $8)
Pardon my demonic -looking face in this mask - I always send a Snapchat when I'm masking, and I just had to feature the lollipop! It made a few reply back with a great deal of envy until I told them it was a bath bomb ;D
I think it's too cute to use - I'm going to stick them in a vase with my fake flowers I got for my birthday because I think it would fit in, haha!
♥ Bath Milk Powder with Sweet Almond Oils and Epsom Salts, rainbow sherbet scented (RRP $16)
Can we just appreciate how pretty the colours are of this?
It looks like something that belongs to one of those cute pastel blogs on tumblr. Or a phone background. So ~aesthetic~
How interesting of an idea is /smooth/ bath salt is?
I have a confession to make. I give away some of the soaps I get because I receive too many and I only have one body to use them on. shock, horror!
Most of them goes to my best friend (you guys might have seen her on my channel before, in this Bellabox unboxing for example). She for some reasons uses COPIOUS amounts of soap. I don't understand how, she seems to go through them by the truckload.
The experience of smelling them - I might as well be eating gummy bears to be honest. They honestly make me feel like I'm eating gummy bears.
I know, sounds crazy, but I can't get over how much they smell like real gummy bears!
♥ Sample Pot, Whipped Body Butter, Caramel Butterscotch Scented
This did leak, but it was covered in glad wrap so it only leaked into the glad wrap and not the rest of the box. So someone obviously does some testing in the Little Soapery :P
Smells delicious! I find it interesting that the formula is so runny for a body butter - I think viscosity-wise it's closer to a moisturier? But the ingredient composition is probably what would make it closer to a body butter.
I like this product the least in this box since after I applied it on my body it had a bit of a sticky finish, which I did not particularly enjoy.
♥ Sample Soaps, 2x Mini Men in Grandmas Apple Pie Scent, slice of Shea Butter enriched milk soap, scented in milk and honey.
The card description did confuse me a little bit, but I believe both the gingerbread men are Grandmas Apple Pie Scented, whilst the slice backing them keeping them from breaking is the Milk and Honey Soap bar. Clever!
These scented are quite a bit milder than everything else that had been mentioned so far, but still absolutely delicious smelling! And makes sense considering the smells they are named after =)
♥ White Rose Nail Buffer (RRP $2)
I know this item shouldn't be too exciting...
But it's just so cute and chic!
The design of it is really good, and the flower on top just really makes it 10x cuter!
I'm really just a sucker for flowers and good design, huh....
Also the file is CANDY COLOURED one of my viewers pointed out :D Fit the theme, yay~
♥ Overall, the items and the value in this box is great! It's definitely a good selection of items that are unique, fun, and fit the theme!
Of course, with all boxes that are up and starting, there are a few things that (in my humble opinion) could be improved on :3
* The little pot that leaked. Probably won't be using those pots again :P
* A few typos in the newsletter. I know this isn't a big deal, just something I noticed (especially given that I'm technically an English major), and just a little thing to do that improves the overall quality of the box!
* More different kinds of boxes! I know that with certain other soap box brands, they offer different types of boxes. A mystery box is great, but if someone were buying this expected a lot of bar soaps, they would be disappointed. Luckily, I'm not one of those people ;D
Of course, the quality of the items are what matters! And that's something Liana really nailed!
♥ Video as always~
Alright this should be the end of the post, but while we're talking about the Little Fairy Soapery I just want to take the chance to gush at a few of her retail items because they're SO CUTE
Today I have a The Vegan Box unboxing! This is a monthly box that costs $30 a month including shipping.
This is an Australian company. Reviews of this box seem really hard to find online.
You can buy one of your own here. They also have a bi-monthly beauty box which is pricier at $50/month!
The contents
The information card
My overall thoughts:
I'm very happy to find a vegan alternative to chocolate and parmesan sauce in here. I will use both (I'm still munching on the Cacao crunch as I blog right now - the taste is really growing on me and it's pretty delicious!)
I will also use the Konjac sponge, and I'm happy to try a different brand to the one I currently have, which is from Sasa. I really love my Konjac sponge, and they do need to be replaced regularly!
If I had to complain about something, it would be the small sizes of some of the other items. One Ginger Chew and one 4g Coconut sugar sachet seems hardly enough to make a real impression of the product.
I appreciate that they prefer to give us a lot of different products to try rather than a large quantity of one product, but I think it really is difficult to know from one candy if you want more of it!
I think for a box like this, paying $30 for $36 in value is reasonable, even though with a beauty box that would upset me more. This company seems like it's still growing, and the money goes into brand research which would be a lot more difficult in this area. + They're setting us up for the realistic expectation that becoming vegan is expensive :P
One more thing... I wish they replied to my email asking if I was getting the January or February box. Maybe they missed it? Or maybe their customer service is lacking. Either way, I got the February box, and not the January one, and no suspicious/dodgy double-charging happened, which is great!
I think there are definitely improvements that can be made, but my experience with this box is still overall a positive one! I would not mind ordering from them again when my budget allows - perhaps in April. =)