Long time no blog! Today I'm here to tell you about a little secret obsession of mine ><
THAT I DIDN'T UNSUBSCRIBE AFTER ONE MONTH OF SERVICE. *coughs* LustHaveIt, HerFashionBox. ;w; *uncough*
Oh my gosh guys, honestly after I got my first memebox, I was going to make a review, HONESTLY.
But then I "got busy" and also the box was just so good and the boxes sell out so fast I didnt AAAAACTUALLY want to tell anyone else about it....
I'll tell you what changed my mind at the end of the review!
* Not your typical subscription based box! Instead of sending out a new box everything month, they are always releasing new boxes on their website on a first come first served basis =) So no subscriptions, hidden fees, or any of that nasty stuff!
* The original memebox (now called memebox global to distinguish it from the other boxes) will have 4-8 full sized or deluxe samples - according to reviews I've read on the internet and my own experiences this is the best value box, but also sells out the fastest :P
* ASIAN PRODUCTS. Memebox was born in Seoul, and focuses on delivering popular Korean beauty products! Let's be real, all the brands we get in western subscription boxes we can buy at the local pharmacy fairly easily. But not asian products! Plus we all know asians do it better ;D
* Awesome reward point system =) I bought a box originally worth $30 for $5 last week because I paid for most of it with points. AND I paid no shipping. *giggles like a crazy girl*
♥ BUT SURELY, for $23, the boxes can't be good value! ♥
NOPE. In my actually unbiased opinion, they are AMAZING value.
I go CRAZY researching subscription boxes. I think it's way too much fun looking at people's reviews for these boxes. And I like finding out about new products because I don't have any 8D (And I'm a poor uni student ;w; So I need to be wise with my money~~)
Let's take the (sadly only) memebox I received last month. Memebox global #8.

Borrowing this image because half the products are at the boyfriend's house :P
They products came in a beautiful pink box =)
Here are the values of the products as they are on the card;
Flower Men Energy Factory Moist Boosting Sheet Mask Hyaluronic Acid: $4.00
Hairich Vedacell Hair Program Shampoo: $6.76
Tonymoly BCDATION SPF30 PA plus pouch sample: $12.96
Heart Face Ultra Pore Care Sleeping Pack: $9.80
Secret Key Snow White Cream: $21.00 FULL SIZE
Max Clinic Caviar Massage Oil Form Cleanser: $73.00 FULL SIZE
Total Value: $127.52
Then I scan through the list and I translate into what I'd pay for them IRL/what I imagine they'd actually be worth;
Sheet mask: $2
Shampoo: $5
Tonymoly BCDATION: $10 (I wouldn't give small samples any value)
Sleeping pack: $9.80
Snow White Cream: $21
Cleanser: I HAVE NO IDEA BUT NOT $73 - actually I don't even use cleanser, let's just give it $10 because we all know every box has a ridiculously priced thing to boost its value!
SO EVEN THROUGH my frugal frugal eyes, this box is worth more than I paid for. Never have I had a box like this. I've had HerFashionBox tell me a $5 clutch made from china was worth $50. And all the other products were like $5 or something. That's why I unsubscribed.
I don't care if you tell me a cleanser is worth $73 if I already get over $23 from the other products.
* The products in all their boxes seem very balanced! For instance, in this box, there is basically a whole skincare regime:
1. Apply Secret Key Snow White cream as a whitening base
2. Apply Tonymoly BCDATION which acts as a CC/BB/foundation on top
3. At the end of the day, clean it all off with your shiny luxurious $73 cleanser
4. Spoil yourself with a facial mask if you'd like!
5. Apply your sleeping mask
6. Go to sleep with a refreshed face =)
As you can see, the products don't overlap at all! And they're all cosmetics instead of silly nail polishes or dry shampoos or fragrances... Oh the shampoo? Yeah I keep that at my boyfriend's house to use, so that's useful too ;)
* There is a good balance of brands I have tried and havent tried. Tonymoly and Max Clinic are very decent brands - (I probably own too much TonyMoly already but that is fine) - but I was extremely excited to try out the new products! And that's the best thing about these boxes! Trying out new products at very affordable prices =)
* They are CONSISTENT. And I am sure of this from reading a whole lot of reviews. I have basically read every review of every box that has been received to this date. Because I'm a memebox addict. ;w;
* They have SO MANY PROMOTIONS. They consistently have weekly sales, free memepoints, free shipping coupon codes, and so forth - all conveniently emailed to you =)
* It's not subscription based! It actually becomes a bit of a curse when you get to my level of addiction because of the amount of paranoia I get that a box I want will be released while I'm in an exam. Or something like that. (They boxes sell out crazy fast =( ) But it was a pain to unsubscribe to LustHaveit and HerfashionBox so I think this would be a plus for some people.
(... I might have almost cried when I missed Nakedbox #12. )
* CRAZY PRODUCTS wtf YES in case you didn't notice that was a facial mask of PSY'S FACE up there. And I've seen other crazy and creatively packaged products that are just so awesome. How fun is this syringe thing and this lip product packaging ??
* They contain products that are hard to get or more expensive to get in Australia. This even applies to Memeshop - other subscription box shops I have seen jack up the price of certain items because that's the only place you can use your reward points. On the other hand, Everything I've looked at in Memeshop has been lower than prices on Ebay and even Sasa wtf. How is it even possible to be cheaper than Sasa with asian cosmetics I will have no idea. But MEMEBOX MANAGED TO DO IT.
Okay, honestly I'm an addict and no one wants to listen to me rave about memebox so I blogged about it.
But also, they recently generously offered some discounts for my readers =D
Of course I can't resist helping out my blog readers ;)
3 FREE POINTS when you purchase Memebox by Nature!
It doesn't say how much this would cost, or how big the size is, but looking online, propolis ampoule definitely seems like a natural product that minimises oily skin with 5 functions:
1. Detoxify/Draw out impurities
2. Purify
3. Soothe
4. Nourish
5. Hydrate
This all-natural soap bar is made from sulfur, shea butter, chamomile, and lavender concentrations which is extremely gentle and effective for caring sensitive skin with low level of elasticity & immunity.
This is for use on the face which I think is very odd, but very interesting. The product seems much loved on the web but the product is only worth $12.
Based on the spoilers I'd pass on this box because I don't have a particularly oily face, but if you do, or if you love natural ingredients in general, this could be the box for you. ^__^
BONUS 3 POINTS when buying Superbox #2.
THIS is the box I've had so much trouble resisting buying.
This box has all its products transparent which is very uninteresting for me usually to be honest.
But then I set my eyes on the Makeon Super Long Mermaid Gel Eyeliner Season 1.
The packaging on this is simply stunning, and the colours look really great =)
Maybe I should use my own bonus and buy it eh? :P
Those two boxes don't strike your fancy?
WELL, click on this picture to go to the main site and take a look at the huuuuge variety they have in stock =) There is something for everyone~
I'd personally recommend you go buy Memebox #14 - then we can be twinsies ;)
Which memebox are you going to get? Let me know in the comments!
xx Athy :)
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