Monday, October 26, 2015

Bellabox October 2015 Unboxing & Review (ft. Lena!) (ft. WTF why did I buy this box!)

Hi everyone!

You've all heard of Bellabox by now, and maybe if you've been following my blog for a while, you know about my very tumultuous relationship with Bellabox :P (read: love-hate)

So without further ado, the contents of this month's box...

The contents

It was hard to make this box look good. Like, really hard. xD

Give me some credit guys!

Total value of this box:

1. Coastal Scents Eyeshadow (? no value given)
2. Ardell Strip Lashes RRP $10 (read as: $5, because noone buys from Priceline full price)
3. Aspar Hand Cream 10ml ($2.80 value)
4. Avene Skin Recovery Cream 5ml ($4.50 value)
5. QVS Eyeshadow APplicator ($6.99 value)

Macadamia Natural Oil ($1 value)

Total value:"$25.30",
(which is really more like $10 if you consider how much I'm willing to pay for everything in this box.)

People pay $17.99 for these boxes Bellabox. Step it up.

$25.30 of value of $18 is still atrocious considering the quality of the products.

Final verdict:
"Wtf this box sucks lmao why did I resubscribe" - me literally everytime I receive a Bellabox. Why do I never learn? :P

Unboxing video as usual:

How were your October boxes? As bad as mine? Let me know!

xx pynkbunny


  1. oh man there's barely anything in this bb box!!! thank goodness I unsubbed!!

  2. How disappointing! I'm sure it's not just you who feels ripped off :(

  3. I enjoyed so much your video! But this beautybox is a joke xD

  4. I've never heard of this before, thanks for the honest review~!
